Anxiety and its causes
The anxiety disorders are often seen as something negative, as a mental illness, but unlike other psychopathologies, we can consider it as a symptom indicating a disorder in life or in other words, if a person has anxiety is because something in your life is not going well.
I’ve seen people with enough problems that it considered the anxiety was a problem anymore, but probably not, anxiety was a way of expression of the real problems.
So it is thanks to the anxiety that we realize that something is wrong and refocus our life. It is a reminder of our body to take the reins.
The causes can be multiple and even a combination of them.
I have met people with anxiety attacks for several reasons, some of trauma unprocessed, others by various causes, such as a woman working too had since won two contracts from which he was very proud but also had the feeling of abandon his family (the cause in this case would be very simplified but this aspect would be the core of it).
Often the suffering crises may think that in life everything goes well, there is no factor that would create an excessive stress. So we find ourselves in front an unconscious cause, difficult to identify and therefore difficult to address.(Sometimes, in these cases, the hypothesis that the cause is a chemical disorder itself arises, but in my opinion, if “our inner chemistry” is not doing well, that’s what happens to us in our daily lives).
The anxiety treatment can be done at two levels:
- Coping with anxiety state.
- Identification, description and handling of the case.
In the first block they enter all the strategies that can help alleviate the patient and cause distress does not get worse in time of crisis. Anxiety is a matter of level, sometimes you feel a slight anxiety and increasing you can go up to a crisis where the subject can get to shake, or have heart palpitations, feeling paralyzed, and ultimately terrifying a hard time.
There are therefore relaxation strategies, elimination of stress caused by the environment in the short term, and ultimately, ways to deal with the crisis (above all one should know that nothing will happen).
It is important to try to use reason in the early stages of distress as it is also not be tired and have slept well.
I note also that must be addressed. One cannot stay at home. Most likely, he who has suffered a panic attack, have then fear of being in the place where it happened or in a similar situation, but not to worsen with phobias and depressions (although at some point it will be hard not to be depressed) must overcome fear and face it. A pharmacological treatment if you can just make disappear the symptom but not the cause, then abandoning medication relapse is likely unless the causative factor is eliminated by itself while the medication was taken.
You may also like to read another article on AnxietyReduction: Overcoming depression and phrases
So we see that the identification of the cause is often necessary task that can take months, then it can be addressed.
You have to get treatment in expert hands. There are several treatments and effective for some people and others work better one another.
It is proposed article one cognitive behavioral therapy with a possible pharmacological assistance. I open the door to a psychoanalytic treatment (if deemed convenient by integrating the use of tranquillizers or drugs the doctor deems appropriate to improve the quality of life of patients).
It is, among other things, a psycho-therapeutic technique to help individuals improve their mental health, reducing their suffering and increasing their capacity to enjoy, encouraging dialogue taking into account not only the anxiety and reason, but also helping the patient to it is understood and deconvolution as Freud said their ability to love and work creatively.