Category: Life Style

What is the criteria for Othello syndrome?

Coping with Othello Syndrome Together: A Guide for Couples

Othello syndrome, also known as morbid jealousy, is a psychological condition characterized by irrational and obsessive suspicion of a partner’s infidelity. This debilitating condition can strain relationships and significantly impact the well-being of both...

Can you get a Greek study visa?

The prospect of studying abroad is always an enticing one for students wishing to absorb a new culture, language and experience, and Greece is a hot destination for its quality of life overall. But...

Most Almond Benefits for Skin Whitening Overnight

Cheapest but Nutritious Dry Fruit for Diabetic Patients

Living with diabetes can be expensive, from testing supplies and doctor visits to managing nutrition. However, maintaining healthy eating habits is extremely important for keeping blood sugar levels stable. Fortunately, certain affordable dried fruits...

Playtime & Toy Nostalgia

You got to have some really cool toys when you were growing up in the 80s. The eighties did something right, as many of the toys released in the 1980s are now enjoying a...

I need someone to talk to

The sensitive subject of Mental Health and Wellbeing is at last being discussed in open forums and individuals struggling to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life have someone they can talk...

Having a happy retirement

Many people look forward to retiring, but they may need to adjust to all the free time. This also includes finding ways to stay active, fit and healthy both physically and mentally. Here are...

Top hobbies for retirement

With more free time than you’ve likely had since childhood, retirement comes with a range of challenges. It’s important to find things to do to use some of that time, otherwise you’ll soon grow...