Category: Life Style

Top hobbies for retirement

With more free time than you’ve likely had since childhood, retirement comes with a range of challenges. It’s important to find things to do to use some of that time, otherwise you’ll soon grow...

Best classes to take to make friends

As we get older it can become increasingly harder to meet new people, and as people grow apart you may want to find a new hobby to do this. Joining a class is a...

6 Apps to Help You Avoid Panic Attacks

A panic attack can be an extremely frightening and intense experience. Sometimes you can feel it coming, but other times it surprises you. Physical symptoms of panic attacks include a racing heart, chest pain,...

The 4 Best Android and iOS Beauty Shopping Apps

In this new age of self-care, many of us have grown to appreciate beauty and cosmetics. There are now an infinite number of beauty products available, and walking around different stores trying out different...