Category: Tips and Ideas

What To Do If Someone Is Choking

What is Choking? Choking occurs when something becomes stuck in the throat, blocking the airway and preventing breathing. Signs that someone may be choking include difficulty speaking, a red puffy face and evidence of...

Can you use knitting wool to do macrame?

Do you have some old knitting wool lying around and would like to try something new with it and not let it go to waste? Or maybe you are thinking of taking up macrame...

How to style a narrow hallway

Hallways play a key role in the home. They are the space where guests are welcomed, the first thing you see after a long day at work, and the busy area that acts as...

Are sharks really dangerous?

Are sharks killing machines, tireless predators? Is the shark the perfect killer? They flood the nightmares of many of those who live on the coasts. They are the recurring thought of bathers on the...

5 Asian cat breeds

Domestic cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, although, in the East and Asia, they have additional symbolism. They are related to good fortune, prosperity, and money. In this article,...

How to make aioli sauce

Alioli sauce, also known as ajoaceite or ajolio, is a typical sauce of Mediterranean gastronomy (Catalan, Valencian, Balearic…). Its main ingredients are olive oil and garlic, which, when beaten, form an emulsion, that is,...