Types of intermittent fasting for weight loss
Within our society, today one of the great concerns in terms of health and well-being is being able to lose weight and remove those extra kilos that may be harming our quality of life. That is why being able to maintain an active life with a well-balanced diet becomes something key. For this, today there are numerous types of food and diets that can help us achieve our goal.
If you’re looking for some extra help and to be able to see results a little faster than with a standard healthy style, many people will choose to fast. That is why in this new article we are going to tell you about the types of intermittent fasting to lose weight and some recommendations.
One day fast
One of the most commonly recommended fasts when thinking about losing weight and being able to take care of your health is the 24-hour or full-day fast. The truth is that, in order to have a healthy diet, it is not recommended in any case to stop eating. However, it has been shown that by depriving the body of food for a day, begins to speed up the metabolism and is a quick and safe way to get rid of all the excesses and make the body work. In this type of fast, you must wait 24 hours without eating anything solid until after 24 hours, and then continue with your normal diet.
Alternate day fasting
For more advanced cases, there is the alternative of being able to combine some normal days with others with fasting. In this case, the recommendation is that you always be accompanied and monitored by experts and that, in no case, can it be advisable to go for long periods without eating what is necessary. With some guidelines from nutritionists and willpower, in this type of fasting, you can combine the 24-hour fast for several alternate days. However, it is a type of fast that is not recommended for a long time, since despite seeking to burn fat, the truth is that the body needs a routine and a source of healthy nutrients instead of cutting off food intake for long periods and without supervision or vitamin supplements.
Fast 12:12
This type of fasting is one of the most recommended , since you can include it in your daily routine without taking any risk and being able to see the results after a few weeks. It is simply a question of advancing dinner and breakfast times so that, from dinner to the next meal, 12 hours have passed, during which time one is usually asleep or at rest. This, accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet, is one of the most recommended ways to use fasting in your day to day. Also, being very lightfast, you will not lose muscle mass. But it will give your digestive system a break and you will feel lighter.
Fast 16:8
For people who are already a little more initiated in the world of fasting. One of the most effective alternatives is the 16-hour fast. This may sound like a long time. But it’s basically cutting out breakfast to get into ketosis. Of course, if your pace of life is very fast, you should first consult a nutritionist who will assure you of the best way to be energized and well-nourished during the process.
However, with this type of fast, you will quickly see the results and, if you eat well, you can complement it with cardio exercise. It is one of the fasts that is most often carried out within all the modalities since it is acceptable for our body, but we can quickly see the results. However, as we say, It is essential that the power supply be studied and designed for each type of person and needs to be able to withstand those hours.
Fast 5:2
The last type of fasting that we have come to show you is one that combines the type of diet during the week. Specifically, the goal is to be able to do two days of intermittent fasting and the other five, consume food normally. Of course, in order to have good results, it must be taken into account that the basic diet must be very balanced and balanced, which will mean that, if it already favors weight loss, fasting will be an extra push. In addition, the type of fasting is not total, but it is intended that only 25% of the calories ingested be eliminated. This can be achieved by eliminating, for example, dinner and eating healthy and light the rest of the day.