How incorrect breathing can affect your health
Did you know that besides influencing our performance, our type of breathing is also linked to weight gain and the ability to trigger the feeling of satiety?
Breathing is essential to life a biological process and although we do autonomously, often makes some mistakes that can affect health. It is important to note that breathing not only inhale the oxygen necessary for the body but also particles and chemicals that seep into the respiratory system.
On the other hand, it considers that this action is key to the functioning of the heart, lungs, energy production and overall fitness. Because of this, it is essential to identify what type of breathing is done and what the effects on health.
In addition, you should learn to do it properly to avoid negative medium- and long-term consequences.
What are the consequences of incorrect breathing?
The negative consequences of improper breathing are numerous, since its function is linked with the work of the other body systems. Mainly affects the digestive, nervous, apparatus cardiovascular and muscle and also has a lot to do with the emotional state.
Some of the health problems are caused:
- Depression and anxiety.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Digestive diseases.
- Increased risk of cardiovascular events.
- Weakened immune system.
- Increased blood pressure and heart beat rate.
- Symptoms of asthma or shortness of breath.
- Tension in the neck and shoulders.
- Lack of concentration and memory loss.
Mouth breathing
Breathing through the mouth is one of the most frequent errors. Experts warn that smoking has a negative impact on phonation, swallowing and even body posture. By employing the mouth instead of the nose breathing action filter and air heating nostrils is prevented, leading to the development of health disorders such as pharyngitis.
Whether it is caused by hypertrophy (enlarged tonsils or adenoids) or changes in the internal anatomy of the nose (deviated septum or turbinate hypertrophy), this type of breathing causes abnormalities in the face and whole dentofacial region. In turn, these problems compromise the ability to chew and smile aesthetics.
Bad breath and obesity
Bad breath is being associated with people suffering from obesity. This is because they tend to consume more calories because the brain loses the ability to turn time the mechanism of satiety.
On the other hand, this disorder plays an important role in sleep and oxygenation of the body, which has much to do with body mass. Excess weight means more effort to breathe, increasing the tendency to breathe through the mouth than through the nose.
This leads to sleep apnea, snoring and other nocturnal disorders that significantly increase the risk of gaining weight.
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Oxygenation altered
Another factor resulting from inadequate breathing to consider is suffering poor oxygenation tissues, having failed to reach the required amount of oxygen to the cells, resulting serious problems on the nervous system, brain health and digestive mechanism.
In addition, it also affects other vital organs as well as skin, hair and nails. For these reasons, doctors and experts advise do breathing exercises to improve your technique. With that errors are corrected making the brain recover the innate way to make a good breath.
How to breathe correctly?
Correct breathing is done with the lower abdominal area. As you inhale, this area expands outward and laterally ago, while you can exhale the stomach a bit toward the center.
It also should be aware that per minute are made between 6 and 10 breaths, and this varies according to age, physical condition or emotions, among others.
The benefits of adopting good breathing are:
- Better oxygenation of cells and tissues.
- Minor cardiac stress.
- Reduction of tiredness or fatigue.
- Less fatigue and muscle tension.
- Reducing stress and anxiety.
- Greater physical and mental performance.
- More lung capacity.
- Increased exercise tolerance.
- Less risk of respiratory and heart conditions.
- Vagus nerve activation and control of nervousness.
Do you feel identified with the problems of bad breath? Train few minutes a day with some breathing technique properly and check that has much to do with the state of your body.