3 depurative and low fat diets
These depurative diets help you improve digestion and reduce inflammation. It is important to do them only for the recommended time so as not to suffer undesired effects.
The depurative diets have become the best allies to “restart” or boost the functions of the most important organs of our body. They are low-fat diet plans that, thanks to their combination of ingredients, promote detoxification.
More and more people are interested in putting them into practice, especially after having some type of excess with food or experiencing symptoms such as abdominal swelling, gas, and feeling of heaviness.
Although the proposed menus should not be extended for a long time, its consumption allows to promote the elimination of toxins, reduce constipation and improve the functions of the metabolism to lose weight more easily.
Do you dare to try them? In this opportunity, we want to share 3 types of depurative diets that can be implemented as a supplement to lose weight or improve health.
What should you know before starting any of the depurative diets?
The depurative diets expose a feeding program that has several objectives. First, they seek to purge and clean the excretory organs of the body (liver, kidneys, and colon) in order to optimize their functions when there are too many toxins.
Being composed of light foods and easy to digest, they are ideal to regulate the digestion process and reduce inflammation. Among other things, they increase the body’s resistance to diseases and produce a noticeable sense of well-being.
These feeding models are not designed to be applied for life since they can be a bit restrictive. The idea is to do them for a maximum of 7 days, only three or four times a year.
Prohibited foods in depurative diets
Many of the foods of regular consumption have characteristics that are not suitable within the depurative diets. Although not all are classified as “harmful” foods, some have properties that can hinder the purification process.
The most common are:
- Sausages or cured meats
- Red meats
- Processed or prefabricated foods
- Canned products
- Bakery products or industrial bakery
- Fritters or packaged snacks
- Saturated oils and butter
- Fast foods
- Soft drinks and soft drinks
- Coffee and chocolate
The 3 depurative and low-fat diets that you must try
The interest in depurative diets has grown so much in recent years that many food plans have been designed with their characteristics. It is common to find many alternatives, even adapted to certain needs.
Below we have compiled 3 models of low-fat menus that, in addition to cleaning the body, help to “burn calories” to lower measures more easily. Of course, once the plans are finalized, after a maximum of seven days, a balanced diet must be maintained.
The cleansing diet of the artichoke
Within the depurative diets, that of the artichoke stands out as one of the most effective . Improves digestion, promotes the elimination of liquids and helps reduce kilos in a short time.
- Breakfast: One cup of artichoke infusion with lemon, fruit salad and two slices of wholemeal bread.
- Mid-morning: A glass of vegetable milk or freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Lunch: A plate of brown rice with artichokes or artichoke salad with tomato and celery.
- Snack: A plate of chopped fruit and two artichoke capsules (can be found in pharmacies or herbal shops).
- Dinner: Grilled artichokes accompanied with a portion of the breast.
Note: This diet should not be performed for more than three days. It can be taken into account before adopting a balanced diet to lose weight.
Oat purifying diet
Oats is one of the complete cereals from the nutritional point of view. It has always been included in the depurative diets since its contribution of fiber and antioxidants are key to facilitate the elimination of wastes retained in the body.
- Breakfast: Three spoonfuls of oatmeal with milk and four strawberries.
- Mid-morning: A piece of fruit or a bowl of vegetable broth.
- Food: Three tablespoons of oatmeal with water or milk; a mixed salad and a portion of the roasted breast.
- Snack: Fruit juice or infusion.
- Dinner: Three spoonfuls of oatmeal with water or milk and a salad with asparagus, olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Note: The period to make this diet is maximum five days. The foods of each main meal can be varied by similar alternatives, maintaining the consumption of oats.
Tomato depurative diet
For its nutritional properties, the tomato has been one of the most outstanding cleansing ingredients in the food plan . In this case it turns out to be the protagonist of one of the best-known cleansing diets in the world.
- Fasting: A glass of fresh tomato juice.
- Breakfast: Two boiled tomatoes seasoned with oregano, olive oil, and salt.
- Mid-morning: A glass of fresh tomato juice.
- Lunch: A plate of tomato salad with bean sprouts and peppers or chili peppers. It can be accompanied by a portion of roasted breast or salmon.
- Snack: A glass of fresh tomato juice.
- Dinner: A tomato salad with artichokes and red pepper and a portion of fish.
- Before going to bed: Finish the day with a glass of tomato juice.
Note: This diet is only done for three days. In case of anxiety, you can add ingredients low in fat and calories such as fruits or whole grains.
Do you feel your digestion is slow? Do you notice your abdomen inflamed? If you identify with these symptoms, maybe it’s time to choose one of these depurative diets. Follow the recommendations and take advantage of their properties.