Vocational Rehabilitation: Your Key to Earning a Living Again
You may have suffered an on-the-job injury that has left you unable to continue to work. You may desire to work again in a new field but not know where to start or how to afford to train for a new job role. Here, you will learn about vocational rehabilitation, worker’s compensation, and the services of an ombuds and an attorney in Oregon.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Available to individuals with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation is a process that may enable you to become re-employed and help you remain employed. As part of your worker’s compensation, you may be eligible to receive help from vocational rehabilitation services. If you have had a workplace injury leaving you disabled and unable to continue working, vocational rehabilitation services Oregon, may help you become employed once again in a new line of work. You may be assessed to determine the services that may help you. Your occupational therapist may then tailor VR services toward your particular needs.
Worker’s Compensation
Worker’s compensation is a state program that requires certain employers to purchase and pay for on-the-job injury insurance. It may be available to covered employees injured on the job. Worker’s compensation insurance may pay a portion of your salary to you for your time off work while disabled, cover the cost of your injury-related medical treatments, and pay for your vocational rehabilitation.
Ombuds Services
You may ask for the free help of an independent advocate from the Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers. The ombuds may explain your rights, protections, and benefits under worker’s compensation.
Attorney Services
You may have a free consultation with an attorney to learn about your workable courses of action for your situation: worker’s compensation, vocational rehabilitation, settlement, or litigation. An attorney may help prepare your worker’s compensation application, explain your rights, protections, benefits and guide you toward a resolution.