Stress Relapses and Erectile Dysfunction
For many men, erectile dysfunction (ED) can be an embarrassing topic and most hesitate to talk to their doctors about it. It is reported that over 18 million men in the United States are affected by some form of ED. The actual number of men with ED is believed to be double of the estimated figures. Although ED is not uncommon as men age, many men have episodes of impotence but it goes away. If you are experiencing a chronic form, that is not normal and you should seek help from a medical professional. Most of the time, ED is easily corrected. If you have organic ED (physical impairment), chances are you have a psychological impairment as well. The psychological impairment comes under the heading of stress, anxiety and/or depression. Many men stress over finances, work, family, fear of aging and/or health issues like being overweight. Nevertheless, you need to get a handle on stress. Once you do this, if it occurs again, you will be prepared to handle it the second and third time around. Stress relapses are not uncommon but you can build an arsenal to plow through it. ED is not a simple impairment because it involves hormones, brain, emotions, musculature and blood vessels. A problem in any one of these areas or a mixture of areas can generate impotence. So, it is a complicated process.
Causes of ED
- Atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries
- Nerve fiber damage
- Hyperlipidemia – high cholesterol and LDLs
- Heart disease
- Overweight, obesity
- Diabetes which causes nerve damage
- Low levels of testosterone – important for libido(sexual desire)
- Prostate issues – enlargement or cancer
- Pelvic region damage – due to accident or surgery
- , recreational drugs
- Smoking, excessive imbibing (alcohol)
- Lack of exercise, improper diet
Stress can Really Cause ED
They may say it’s just really in your head but what’s in your head can cause serious physiological consequences. It is reported that stress and anxiety are closely linked with ED. Men who experience ED have been reported to have hypertension (high blood pressure) and elevated levels of cholesterol. These health issues put a male at high risk for ED. Many of these men are also overweight and may be obese. Once ED establishes itself it tends to create a cycle that is difficult to break. In other words, ED begets ED!
End Stress by Learning How to Cope
If you’re at the point that you realize that anxiety is truly contributing to your ED, you can try to remedy it on your own and see how that goes. See if you can determine what is really stressing you and see if you can get control of it. Create a plan to remove those stressors. Many times the stressor can’t be removed at the moment but you can learn to cope with them better. Concentrate on anything positive in your life or on a goal you’d like to achieve. Daydream about it. Use meditation, exercise and/or music therapy to help you cope. The whole idea is to stop what is triggering your stress. Stress is a normal part of life and coping is necessary. If your approach isn’t working, then seek professional help.