5 Tips for beautiful skin in winter
The sun is not just good for your skin but also the cold of winter is no joke. All we know that uncomfortable feeling of skin that ‘pulls’. To touch your skin is dry and inelastic. If you get it, the street, to see your reflection in a shop window frighten you seeing your face contract in a real ‘face’, because of the cold. And when you laugh skin seems to ‘crack’ as porcelain under water too hot.
Protect your skin with a fat cream
In winter, the skin needs extra protection. The air is drier than usual and the wind attack the skin. The skin becomes dehydrated and the heating in the house does not improve the situation.
Protect is therefore the number one rule for a beautiful and healthy skin, even in winter. Start the day by applying a cream rather fat which will act as a barrier. If your skin is very dry or has a tendency to rosacea it is best to apply the cream several times a day, especially before going to the cold. Do not forget to protect your skin against the sun! Even in winter.
Moisturized and nourished skin
A fat cream forms a physical barrier against the cold, but the skin also needs to be nourished. Treat her so before bedtime, with a moisturizing and nourishing cream (must contain active ingredients that protect the skin actively, such as vitamins and anti-oxidants). If you keep up the heating you can also consider purchasing a humidifier to restore moisture.
Take regular scrubs
Do not forget to take regular scrubs. A scrub or exfoliation removes dead skin cells and revitalizes the skin that tends to appear in the winter off and gray. Clean skin absorbs better nourishing creams.
The foundation as a ‘shield’
Help your color with a little of foundation, a product that not only makes it more beautiful skin but also protects it. Too often we think that the foundation gets hurt or you do not let your skin breathe, while the products of today are very advanced and help the skin. There are even formulas that contain a UV filter.
Of course, in the winter you have to choose another formula. If you have dry skin, you should choose a formula fluid, perhaps even creamy. If your skin is oily or mixed it is better to choose a compact foundation. But even then you have to put in the foundation cream fuller than usual to protect the skin against the cold. Wait until the cream is totally absorbed by the skin otherwise you will have shiny skin.
Do not forget your body skin
Not only the facial skin has difficulty coping with the cold winter also the skin of the body dehydrates faster and needs more care. Make it a habit to apply a body lotion at least once a day and in any case after every shower or bath.
Attention then not been too long in the shower and do not use too much hot water. Avoid the use of soap, but then you keep your skin healthy with a product for soft bath and moisturizer.