8 Tips to fight cellulite
You know that ‘shock’ when you realize that your cellulite has worsened to the great? We know him. And how. But instead of despair, this is the right time to take action. Because all of us have huge improvement. Just run for cover immediately.
Here are a few tips that concern mainly the motivation needed to fight the hated cellulite…
1) To combat cellulite, you have to want to fight. You are not (enough) motivated? So look for those photos to be, when you were in shape, and compare them with the current situation. You see the difference?
2) Vacation in sight? A party to the sea (perhaps even in bikini)? Are opportunities from which to draw ‘inspiration’. From today, you will bind yourselves to be as fit during those occasions. There is no time to lose!
3) The fight against cellulite should not have to be painful, indeed, better if it is fun and enjoyable. Love swimming, then make a subscription in the swimming pool and fight cellulite. You like to dance, then subscribe to the dance course of the gym and addressed cellulite dancing! There are so many fun ways to get back into shape. It might even push you to do new things, meet new people (pleasant side effects of the fight against cellulite!).
4) Take every day five minutes to a DIY massage. This must also be an enjoyable time. Do not live it as a duty, but as a bit of attention to yourself. Rub the skin of the legs and butt, massage, massaged. You need not invest in an anti-cellulite cream; already a self-massage with the usual body cream stimulates circulation.
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5) A bit of color on the legs does not hurt (but not sunbathing without protecting you) and improves the skin’s appearance immediately (is also good for motivation).
6) You got the first results? Then, it’s time for a little challenge! Wear of the shorts, although the legs are not yet perfect. Every time I see you in the mirror (and you declare you not yet satisfied with the results) you’ll be more motivated to give you to do.
7) Move, enjoy! A night on the dance floor at the disco that is like a dance lesson at the gym. Ballads, move, feel sexy! Cast out the cellulite laughing and joking!
8) Cellulite is not a matter of ‘guilt’. Accept yourself as you are, not assimilate for a skin a bit too orange peel. This however does not mean passively accepting everything that happens. Love yourself also means taking care of themselves, respect your body. Take care of your body in a gentle way, with love. Fight cellulite with pleasure, do not take it as a duty but as a moment of pleasant attention to the body and soul.