Preventing Wrinkles
Although wrinkles are a part of the ageing process, lifestyle choices can influence how many develop. You may want to take some precautions to avoid unnecessary wrinkles. Here are some ways to prevent wrinkles.
- Protect your skin against the sun
UV rays speed up the ageing of your skin, so you should use a sunscreen that has a SPF of at least 30, even on cloudy or rainy days. Avoid indoor tanning, and limit time spent in the sun during the hottest parts of the day. - Don’t smoke
Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow in the outermost layers of skin. Quitting smoking can improve your skin, even if you have been a smoker for many years. Of course, it’s best to never start in the first place so you don’t get smoker’s lines!
- Moisturise
Moisturisers cannot prevent wrinkles but can mask fine lines by trapping moisture in the skin. Invest in a quality moisturiser to take good care of skin. For alternative wrinkle-removal, consider the benefits of Botox Exeter at - Eat a healthy diet
Certain vitamins and nutrients can protect your skin. Some foods that are especially beneficial include: Tomatoes, olive oil, vegetables, salmon and green tea which is full of powerful antioxidants.
- Sleep on your back
By avoiding the pressure of your face, sleeping on your back will help to prevent wrinkles. Use pillows to keep yourself upright and prevent you from rolling onto your stomach or side. - Reduce stress
Reduce your workload and anything else that causes you stress. Meditation and yoga may also be helpful.