How to recover from drug addiction
Dealing with a drug addiction is never easy, but treatment can bring you the sobriety you deserve. If you reside in the Scottsdale, Arizona area and are undergoing addiction treatment, you will probably want to add counseling to your treatment. Diebold Behavioral Counseling is an establishment that offers you much-needed counseling services with licensed professional substance abuse counselors who can help you get some perspective that can help you to move forward toward your journey in becoming free of drugs once and for all.
One of the best things about the addiction counseling services at Diebold Behavioral Counseling is that, not only is the individual who is struggling with substance abuse able to undergo therapy, but their significant other and family are encouraged to partake with them. There are also options for group therapy, which many clients find especially helpful as everyone is going through the same type of situation and gets to share their own story. Clients find a distinct kinship with one another through the group therapy method.
Diebold Behavioral Counseling was founded by sole practitioner D.J. Diebold, who is a licensed independent substance abuse counselor (LISAC) and certified addiction counselor (CAC). Dr. Diebold has more than 20 years of experience in serving the community with behavioral health counseling services. He has a warm bedside manner than makes his clients feel safe and welcome. He also has a full referral team that provides a wide variety of counseling services for individuals throughout the Scottsdale, Arizona area. Generally, for all of the clients at Diebold Behavioral Counseling, there must be the component of substance abuse either directly or indirectly connected to the individual. For example, a client could be someone who has struggled with an addiction to prescription painkillers for several years or could be the spouse of a person who has battled a serious heroin addiction for many years.
The specialty area that is focused on at Diebold Behavioral Counseling is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It uses a unique approach that can help clients achieve fast results and come to a moment of clarity more quickly. Clients are taught to recognize certain feelings and behaviors that can be considered detrimental or triggers to their substance abuse problem. The skilled counselors teach them new ways to identify certain behaviors and to change their thoughts and feelings so that their responses are better and they are better equipped to make different decisions, even if the situation is the same.
Clients of Diebold feel a sense of empowerment when they receive this type of therapy because it is a collaborative thing. They are also taught skills that involve self-counseling that they can use separately from their counselor. This is helpful for them when they are at home or back at work and certain circumstances arise that may cause them more stress. Over the course of time with their therapy, Diebold clients can learn how to respond in a way that is healthier instead of simply reacting in an instantaneous manner that is detrimental to their overall sobriety.
If you are located in the Scottsdale area and need counseling for your substance abuse problem, call Diebold Behavioral Counseling at 480-650-1020.