How to start a cheerful morning?
Autumn is a dream for nature, we see tangible changes in the world around us. And, whether we wish it or not, remain indifferent to them, we are not given. Deficiency of vitamins, which must be replenished, affects not only the well-being, but also the general appearance of a person. Conclusion suggests one – you should pay more attention to nutrition, skin care, to develop an optimal mode of work and rest, the whole way of life.
How to prepare yourself at the beginning of the day?
We will give you some useful tips …
Especially should take care of their appearance, when you, for example, wait for guests or are going to spend time in a festive. Of course, you want to be attractive, beautiful. And this should be taken care of in advance.
1) First of all, you have to tune in to the appropriate “wave”, in a mood that promotes a general uplift, improves tone, inspires energy for active action.
2) Start with walking. With a sporting step, walk around the room for 2-5 minutes, adjusting your breathing. After that, take a shower – first warm (4-5 min), and then cool (1-2 min). It relieves fatigue and invigorates.
3) Well rub the body with a towel – until you feel pleasant heat. Face pat soaked and rinse with cold water.
4) A glass of strong tea with lemon will be very helpful at this time. On the face and neck, apply a nourishing mask that will give a feeling of freshness.
5) Masks – an indispensable and effective means of improving the appearance, nutrition of the skin. Their beneficial effect on the skin is difficult to overestimate. The consequence of applying the mask is to improve the complexion and give it freshness and youthfulness, the skin becomes elastic, the wrinkles are smoothed.
6) The first requirement for the use of masks – the skin should be absolutely clean. What masks to do? Give preference to masks from pure natural raw materials, that is at hand: cottage cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, honey, fruit, vegetables. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes, and then it is washed off with warm water. You should also remember which mask your skin “loves”, and this can be seen right away, the result will not be long in coming.
7) On the pale skin that quickly withers, hot and cold compresses of tea or herbal infusion (chamomile, lime blossom, mint, etc.) have a beneficial effect.
8) Begin with a hot compress, alternating with a cold (3-4 times), finish – cold, after which the face is lubricated with cream.
9) You cannot avoid caring for your eyes. Put on the eyelids tampons made of cotton wool, soaked with infusion of chamomile or tea.
10) After all the procedures, rest 15-20 minutes, preferably in a shaded room, put your feet on the dais, relax your muscles, breathe freely, evenly. This, albeit short, rest will restore strength, will give cheerfulness.
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