The pig comes from the wild boar and the Asian deer. It is a calm and intelligent animal, in fact, it has even been discovered that its intelligence is similar to that of the dog, for that reason some people adopt them as pets.

Pigs are domestic animals, although there are also wild ones. They are for human consumption. It is artiodactyl, a characteristic that consists of having an even number of fingers for each leg, and its diet can be both omnivorous, as well as based on organic waste.

What the pig eats

Its body is rounded , with a rolled tail and hoofed legs. They have the characteristic of being dirty, because of their liking to wallow in mud or feces. They do it because they acquire a feeling of freshness. Pigs do not have the ability to sweat , due to the absence of sweat glands.

Its meat is one of the most consumed by the population . And something controversial has been the cruel way in which they are killed and the way in which the sows that are gestating are kept. Male pigs are the ones that are usually used as a source of meat, while sows are used for reproductive purposes.

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The place where pigs live is on farms, although they can also be found in the wild, in forests or jungles. The gestation time is about 120 days, and they give birth to up to 8 or more piglets.

Pigs are very prone to both parasitic and bacterial infections. External infections include scabies and pediculosis (lice), which are the most common. Infection by the Ascaris lumbricoide parasite is due to feeding on human feces where an intestinal obstruction can occur over time that requires surgical intervention.

Tuberculosis can also be acquired by the pig. Porcine cysticercosis is an accumulation of cysticerci in various organs and striated muscle of the pig, which are then ingested by humans through their meat or viscera, where they begin to colonize different organs, the brain being the most critical since it can cause calcifications leading to death. Meat with cysticerci is easy to identify by the presence of white accumulations or vesicles in it.

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Farm pigs eat from tubers or roots such as turnips, carrots, and radishes. The pig in the wild is omnivorous , since when it develops in a free environment it ends up adapting its diet to both plants and animals. Organic leftovers and ground meat can also work well when rearing them. On some farms, the pigs are fed certain concentrates.

Newborn pigs are fed through lactation, which usually lasts for a month.  Some pigs in the absence of food turn to feces. In developing countries, without a toilet, people deposit their feces directly on the ground, then free pigs eat them and become a major source of infections.

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