8 supplements for the treatment of fatty liver
Treatment of fatty liver-Currently, overweight and obesity are two major problems worldwide, together with complications such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. For this reason. In this article we tell you which are the best natural supplements for the treatment of fatty liver.
Treatment of fatty liver
Before immersing ourselves fully in this topic, we discover what exactly is overweight. When this accumulation is excessive and harmful to health, we talk about obesity.
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1,900 million people over 18 were overweight in 2016. Of these, more than 650 million were obese.
Now, are there natural supplements that support the treatment of fatty liver? First, we should establish that natural supplements include vitamins, minerals. And herbs that are usually ingested in capsule form. It is also possible to consume them in powder form or in the form of beverages.
Before commenting on which natural supplements are most used to lose weight when you have erectile-dysfunction. And without medical control. On the contrary, before starting the intake of any supplement you should consult your doctor!
Common ingredients of natural supplements
This product is a derivative of fish that is commonly used for the treatment of fatty liver. Specifically, it is sugar that comes from the outer layers of shrimp, crabs and lobsters.
It is supposed to be used to prevent the absorption of cholesterol and fats by the body. However, there are no conclusive studies on its effectiveness in decreasing body fat.
This substance is obtained from the Konjac plant and is supposed to help weight loss due to its contribution of natural fiber. However, a study by Journal Obesity concluded that this supplement really did not help achieve weight loss. Check with your doctor about it.
Green tea extract
It is a recommended herbal supplement to lose weight that can be found almost in any pharmacy. Different studies have endorsed its effectiveness, with different degrees of weight loss.
Raspberry ketone
Raspberry is present in many pills, since it is supposed to help burn fat. As with the other substances mentioned, there is no scientific evidence (at least in humans) to support this claim.
Bitter orange
Bitter orange is one of the most common ingredients in natural supplements to lose weight. However, there is no research with conclusive data on its effectiveness.
In fact, some surveys of bitter orange users point to the possible presence of increased anxiety, heart rate and blood pressure, as well as chest pain.
Chromium picolinate
Chromium is a mineral that works by improving the response to insulin so that it converts food into energy.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Experts suspect that linoleic acid may help reduce body fat and decrease appetite. The data of the studies carried out in this regard are controversial. While some admit a loss of weight thanks to the use of this substance, others maintain that this reduction is practically non-existent.
The last component of natural supplements that we will talk about today will be caffeine. Some studies have proven that caffeine could accelerate metabolism, increasing fat burning by up to 29%. However, other investigations have referred to a minimal weight loss when using caffeine as a treatment for obesity.
Do natural supplements help the treatment of fatty liver?
The reality is that the information that exists today is controversial. Some studies say that a small reduction in weight could take place by taking natural supplements; however, they also indicate the presence of side effects. Other investigations affirm that the mentioned substances are not effective.
We advise you to modify your eating habits and start a regular routine of exercises to fight overweight in a healthy way. It is the best way to do it!
As always, we recommend you avoid taking supplements without consulting your doctor. If you are looking for a treatment for obesity, avoid self-medication. Remember that it is always necessary to receive advice from a specialist before changing any habit that may affect your health.
What is the most effective treatment of fatty liver?
Everyone, at present, claims to be the most effective treatment for obesity, but is there scientific support behind it? Can they cause alterations in other systems, for trying to lose weight? Are drugs or nutrition enough to treat obesity? These and other concerns we intend to clarify in this post to all our readers.
Is obesity a major global health problem?
Obesity is a serious global health problem, therefore, it is considered the epidemic of the XXI century, it is amazing to realize that one third of the American population has normal weight (BMI, 19-25 kg / m2), another third suffers overweight (BMI, 25-30 kg / m2) and the third remaining is obese (BMI> 30 kg / m2), including morbid obesity (BMI> 40 kg / m2), which has increased markedly in recent years .
Also, it is worth mentioning that several pathologies are related to obesity, such as chronic and degenerative diseases: diabetes mellitus type 2, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, obstructive sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, depression, joint diseases, various types of cancer, gastrointestinal and hepatic anomalies.
According to the World Health Organization, in 2008, more than 1.4 billion adults were overweight and more than 500 million were obese. In 2013, 42 million children under the age of five were overweight, who are more likely to suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular disease at an early age, which in turn is associated with an increase in premature deaths and disability.
And every year at least 2.8 million people die due to obesity or overweight, as a result of an imbalance between the calories consumed (poor diet) and calories spent (sedentary lifestyle), transmitted by family habits and our current society.
Tips to treatment of fatty liver
It is an efficient and natural treatment to burn fat.
This product to lose weight offers great and noticeable results in a short time. It helps people with obesity to shape their figure in a completely natural way. When a person has a metabolism capable of burning fat easily, he can see great benefits in his body. Ideal for you to wear a flat stomach, toned legs and hips, and a slim waist.
It is a product that has the ability to reduce appetite
Obesity is usually caused by excessive and uncontrolled consumption of food. Helps people consume their healthy meals in a controlled manner. Decreased appetite is recommended so that the body is nourished only with the necessary amount of essential nutrients.
Provides energy and helps improve mood
A complete and effective treatment to control obesity. Thanks to its natural components, this product increases the energy in the body, helps burn fat easily and safely. People who use this healthy product can enjoy having great energy and vitality; they are more productive and efficient in all their tasks.
If you want to lose weight safely and quickly, you should use. This natural product is very successful internationally; it allows you to show off a beautiful, slim, and completely healthy body.