431 Search results

For the term "health".
Rett disorder

Rett disorder

Rett Syndrome is a neurological disorder with a genetic basis. It basically consists of the development of multiple deficits, after a normal period of operation that goes up to 5 months of age, which...

Learned helplessness

What is learned helplessness?

The Learned Helplessness is a type of behavior that occurs when a person is unable to react to painful situations. This person begins to believe they have no control over a situation that is...


Anxiety and its causes

The anxiety disorders are often seen as something negative, as a mental illness, but unlike other psychopathologies, we can consider it as a symptom indicating a disorder in life or in other words, if...

Humanistic Psychology

Humanistic Psychology: What it is?

The Humanistic Psychology is a movement to therapeutic models then appears in the 60s of the twentieth century in response: the behaviorist for its rigidity and psychoanalysis for its emphasis on pathology rather pessimistic type. This “third force” brings together...

Human development

What is human development?

Human development is the scientific study of how people change and how to remain some aspects over time. Children: The first two years Childhood, extending from birth until the second year of life (approximately)...

Balinese Massage

Balinese Massage and its benefits

The Balinese Massage Traditional is definitely a really classic and ancestral character for self healing of the island of Bali in Indonesia massage, possibly hence its name. Along with the knowledge of classical medicine and herbalism, it...