431 Search results

For the term "health".

Chemical Face Peels: Scary Name, Good Results

The phrase “chemical skin peel” may conjure up visions of the skin being melted away from your face, leaving it raw, sore and disfigured but in fact chemical peels are a lot less scary...

Reduce Anxiety

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety

What is anxiety? Anxiety is an emotional state where people feel restless, anxious and fearful. Affected individuals experience fear in situations they cannot control or predictor situations that seem threatening or dangerous. It is...

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 in College

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 in College

As a freshman, there are a lot of new lifestyle changes that you have to get used to, unless of course you are earning USC’s mph online or any other online degree. But for...

College Exam Anxiety

How to Reduce College Exam Anxiety

College exams are always very stressful and difficult to prepare for. It’s hard to know exactly what will be on the test and how to answer questions in the way that your professor prefers....

Benefits of Berries

10 Benefits you can get by eating berries

Thanks to its content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties blackberries are a suitable food to combat many ailments, prevent fluid retention and improve our health. Blackberries are delicious fruits of shrubs, small and succulent. It...

Skin Care

Skin care with diabetes

Diabetes affects over 380 million people worldwide, and this number is steadily increasing. In the near future one in 10 adults suffers. Diabetes has many adverse effects on our health, many of them related to...