Coronavirus: most used tips to receive food delivery
The health crisis of the Covid-19 coronavirus raises a series of doubts and difficulties when it comes to receiving food delivery. In general terms, it is important to understand that this service is safe and, in many cases, necessary (for example in the case of dependent people or those who have mobility difficulties ). However, this does not mean that the food delivery service does not have to adapt to the new circumstances. Here we tell you the most used tips to receive food delivery and all the cases that must be taken into account.
What food can you eat?
It should be borne in mind that food is not considered one of the most frequent ways of spreading the Covid-19 coronavirus. This is because, due to sanitary regulations, food is always treated in a controlled way and following a series of specific sanitary protocols that prevent the spread of both the Covid-19 coronavirus and any other type of infectious agent. That is to say, food, in particular, is a product that, thanks to previous protocols, is difficult to become a route of contagion for the consumer.
However, it must be considered that, within all the meals that can be consumed through a delivery service, there are some that offer even more guarantees than others. In this sense, it is preferable to opt for foods that have been cooked at least over 40ºC. For example, it would be safer to consume a pizza than a salad, simply due to the fact that, since the first is cooked at high temperatures, its safety level is even higher.
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Tips for the food company and the delivery man
On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that there are certain tips that we must follow when it comes to maximizing delivery security as much as possible and, in this way, minimizing the chances of contagion. In the case of the company that makes the food and the delivery man, some of these most important tips to follow are the following.
Follow the norms and recommendations established by the health authorities regarding food handling: These norms already establish in themselves that any possible infection of food is practically impossible, not only with respect to the Covid-19 coronavirus but also to any other infectious agent usually.
Use several containers and as insulating as possible: This measure allows to minimize the possibilities of contagion of the food once it has been cooked and deposited inside the container. In this sense, plastic wrap is the safest of all.
Use of gloves and a mask: This measure is necessary both in the cooking process and in the delivery process, and it is one of the main ways to avoid any contamination of food.
Carry out the delivery while maintaining a safe distance: At the time of delivery, the delivery person must place an empty box on the floor in front of the door and, over it, place the order (which prevents the food from being in direct contact with the floor). He will then inform the customer that he has his order ready for collection, and will wait for the collection to be carried out, but always maintaining a distance of at least two meters.
Tips for the consumer
On the other hand, there are also certain recommendations or tips that the consumer must take into account and that, if they are followed, the chances of contagion can be minimized to the maximum.
Do not order products that have not been cooked: As already mentioned, cooked delivery products offer more guarantees than uncooked ones. Therefore, it is recommended that the consumer opts for those that are safer than the rest.
Choose establishments and trusted brands: Although sanitary standards are the same for everyone, there may be establishments that do not follow them correctly. In this sense, it is important that the consumer chooses those food delivery establishments that offer the best guarantees and security that they are complying with health protocols throughout the preparation and distribution of food.
Reheat food if it arrives cold or with damaged packaging: It can be done in the oven or directly in the microwave.
Pick up the order with gloves: Once the order is collected and the first layer of wrapping has been opened, both this first wrapper and the disposable vinyl gloves should be discarded to avoid possible contagion as it is the area of the order that is most exposed.
Pay by card or app: Finally, another of the most important aspects to take into account when consuming food delivery is that the payment of the order is made by card or directly through the app and not with cash. This avoids not only contact during the delivery but also the transmission of physical elements such as cash that can be a major source of contagion when passing from hand to hand repeatedly.