Overcoming depression and phrases
The word depression comes from Latin and means killed or overthrown. It speaks of a fall, collapse or a hole. The meaning of this word has caused currently the associate to a moment of melancholy, grief and sadness.
Depression is something that affects many people in the world; fortunately there are numerous treatments and ways of overcoming this problem.
To help you along the way, we have made a collection of sentences in two blocks. The first are quotations or aphorisms reveal this mood; the second block is phrases of encouragement and improvement.
The best quotes Sadness and Depression
- Some people outside we seem to be iron, but inside are glass.
- Your emotions should not be paralyzing. They should not defend himself. Should not stop you from being all you can be. – Wayne W. Dyer
- I admire people who live without problems facing the world with nonchalance. Unlike them, I suffer more than necessary.
- Sometimes I feel sad, tired and miserable for no reason.
- Depression is fed due to unhealed wounds. – Penelope Sweet
- That has been my life wonderful, I wish I had realized it sooner. – Colette
- I live in a nightmare from which occasionally get up in a dream.
- Depression is not a sign of weakness. This is a sign that you’ve been strong for too long.
- Depression is when you look down and you do not see your feet.
- All I want out of life is that this pain has a purpose.
- Depression is anger without enthusiasm.
- Depression is the inability to build a future.
- Your tears will never end … but if you keep this up, your life and that of those with your illness, yes they will.
- The most terrible of all feelings is the feeling of having the dead hope. – García Lorca
- Every thought is a battle. Every breath is a war, and I do not earn more.
- The man, who is afraid safely, invents the danger to justify their fear. – Alain
- Everyone has their secret sorrows which the world does not know and sometimes, we call cold when they are just sad.
- Where one door closes, another opens. – Cervantes
- Depression is a prison that is both the prisoner and the cruel carcelero. – Dorthy Rowe.
- If you cry not see the sunlight, the tears will not let you see the starlight. – Rabindranath Tagore.
- Depression is like a pool of mud in which we dive voluntarily.
- Anger is energizing. The opposite of anger is depression, which is anger turned inward. – Gloria Steinem
- Nothing has to be so afraid and fear. – Franklin D
- It’s sad as a day seems to have everything and the next day I lose everything so fast.
- Too much thinking is the beginning of a depression.
- Not all cry the same way; there are smiles that hide thousands of tears.
- Depression is like a bruise that never goes away. A bruise on your mind.
- I do not want to be free of dangers; I just want courage to face them. – Marcel Proust
- It’s sad as a day seems to have everything and the next day I lose everything so fast.
- You are perfect as a souvenir, but painful as forgotten.
- It is better to be alone than with someone who has the harder than a stone heart.
- Depression and I are friends, but I do not like your company.
- Love leaves us the best experiences, but the pain brings us the greatest teachings …
- Sometimes they smile outside indicate battles inside.
- People with low self-esteem and easily overwhelmed by stress are more likely to suffer from depression.
- The problem with impossible love is that it takes us a lifetime to forget.
- Like any other illness, depression can be cured for those who can live happily.
- Sometimes you want something and even if you find it, you keep looking and looking as if to appear. So it is with the heart.
- Each day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed.
- During the depression the world disappears. And also the language. One has nothing to say. Or something small, or anecdotes. Because the inner voice is more urgent; asks how should I live? What will my future?
Phrases of encouragement and improvement…
You may also like to read another article on AnxietyReduction: Psychotherapy: Why is it better than antidepressants to treat depression?
Motivational phrases to overcome depression
- Do not think about your mistakes and failures of the past, as this only will bring pain to your heart, grief and depression. Do not repeat in the future. – Swami Sivananda
- In large part, you built your depression. I was not given. Therefore you can immediately destroy. – Albert Ellis.
- I have had many dark nights, of course, but giving in to depression would be a betrayal, defeat. – Christopher Hitchens
- Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. – Napoleon Hill.
- It is just very far distant, but traveled up there.
- The key change is freedom from fear. – Rosanne Cash
- The greatest barrier to success is the fear of defeat. – Sven Goran
- Remember something wrong, it is like taking a charge for the mind. – Buddha
- No matter how long the storm, the sun always shines again in the clouds. – Khalil Gibran
- Slow road, but I never walk backwards. – Abraham Lincoln.
- Our brain is the best toy that has been created. In it are all the secrets, even happiness. – Charlie Chaplin
- We are appreciating everything around us, because tomorrow may be too late.
- While waiting what will never come, it appears the least you expect.
- Happiness is not doing what you want but wanting what you do. – Jean Paul
- In every sunrise there is a living poem of hope, and to go to bed, think that dawn. – Noel Clarasó
- We cannot solve problems by thinking in the same way as when we created them. – Albert Einstein
- When you fall and get down, you think now you can only go up.
- The greatest revenge is to achieve what others say you cannot do.
- Or your worst enemy can make as much damage as your own thoughts. – Buddha
- Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. – F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- It is never too late to seek a new and better world if we put in the effort courage and hope.
- Really are our choices that determine what we can become, much more than our own abilities. – JK Rowling
- Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. – Helen Keller.
- Converts the walls that appear in your life steps towards your goals.
- Cheer up, the worst is over, dust yourself off and give him a hug today to someone who needs it more than you, you’ll feel better.
- Failure is not falling; failure is refusing to get up.
- Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to cope. – John Putnam
- If you cannot feel anxious about the past, no sense depressed about the future.
- Do not worry, just who is standing down. Those who have never fallen, is because they have probably dragged her entire life.
- The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can change their lives by changing their mental attitudes. – William James.
- Good things happen to those who wait. Best to go for them …
- The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. – Marco Aurelio.
- Hitting bottom is not a weekend retreat, not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and free yourself once.
- If you think you are poor … ponle price on your hands. You will understand how lucky you are.
- Cry with someone. Alleviates rather than mourn alone.
- Do not make your life a draft, may not have time to make a clean.
- Do not forget that the more you suffer, the stronger you can do; because if you get through, you’ll be much better than before feel bad.
- The greatest glory of living lies not in never drop us, but in rising every time we fall. – Nelson Mandela.
- Engrave this in your heart; every day is the best of the year. – W. Emerson
- Life every day offers a new opportunity to be happy, is called: “TODAY”