Facial Masks From Pharmaceutical Means
Available facial care from the pharmacy can be an excellent basis for cooking a mask. The result of the application can be compared with professional cosmetics, which often includes pharmaceutical products. For complex care is recommended to use for all skin types, including sensitive ones.
Lifting mask
Age changes in the cover are characterized by a shift in the oval line, the appearance of deep wrinkles. It is recommended to prepare facial masks with curiosity for a facelift, from sagging skin, and also to restore a beautiful, even tone. The composition is rich in active ingredients, stimulating regeneration processes. Keep readingĀ http://www.360beautynyc.com/activated-charcoal-excellent-natural-ingredient-help-purify-clean-foot/
- 10 gr. curious;
- 5 ml of fish oil.
Mix the gel with a liquid solution of fish oil. Cleanse the face of cosmetics, apply a thick layer. Leave the night mask for the rest time, in the morning – rinse, as usual. It is recommended after 35 years to use 8-day courses with a frequency every other day, 3-4 times a year.
Black mask
Provides deep cleansing, regulates the work of the sebace secret home procedure. The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, stops the spread of infection, and soothes the covers. As a result of the application, charcoal skin benefits you can get rid of traces of post-acne, refresh the color. It is recommended to use it to prevent the appearance of couperose asterisks.
- 2 tablets of activated carbon;
- 20 gr. gelatin;
- 5 ml of aloe gel.
Pre-crash the coal into powder, there should not be large particles, so as not to injure the covers. Separately, dilute the green tea with granules of gelatin, add the aloe gel. Mixing the ingredients, spread on the entire surface of the face or only on the T-area with a dense layer. Leave for 20-25 minutes, then carefully remove the film, observing the massage lines. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month.
For facial beauty, maintaining freshness of elasticity, procedures with tocopherol are recommended. Vitamin E relieves dry skin, restores elasticity, and stimulates renewal processes. It is useful to prepare a mask for moisturizing, from dry skin, the appearance of cracks and pigmentation.
- 5 ml of tocopherol;
- 10 ml of lithium gel;
- 5 ml of almond oil.
Mix pharmacy products, add almond warm oil. Face the steam, spread the cosmetic mass on the entire face area, including the thin skin of the eyelids and near the mouth. Leave for an hour, then remove the residue with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a month.
Pharmacy products not only help get rid of pigmentation but also protect the covers from ultraviolet radiation. Luxurious color and smooth structure, deep hydration, will provide an affordable home recipe. The mask prevents premature aging, activates the synthesis of collagen.
- 5 g. retinoic ointment;
- Ampoule of vitamin B5;
- 10 gr. white clay.
White clay diluted with mineral water until a sour cream consistency. Introduce a pharmacy ointment and pantothenic acid, mix thoroughly. Spread evenly on peeled covers, excluding eyelids and nasolabial triangle. Finish in the usual way after 15 minutes.