Spa treatments to be healthy and beautiful
In spas are more and more treatments that aim at beauty and health of the body through the synergy between a healthy diet and the right beauty treatments. Let’s see some of the latest...
In spas are more and more treatments that aim at beauty and health of the body through the synergy between a healthy diet and the right beauty treatments. Let’s see some of the latest...
Did you know that besides influencing our performance, our type of breathing is also linked to weight gain and the ability to trigger the feeling of satiety? Breathing is essential to life a biological...
Diabetes is currently one of the most well known and discussed public health problems; however, there is a lot of debate as to its cause, and many sufferers don’t even know they have it....
The pace of modern life requires processing huge amounts of information that can cause a burden on the brain. The brain is vital to our existence and it enables us to think and learn....
In the apple peel it is where most nutrients are concentrated. These promote our digestive health and may help reduce fat accumulation. The apple is a delicious, economical and ideal to include diversely in...
Rett Syndrome is a neurological disorder with a genetic basis. It basically consists of the development of multiple deficits, after a normal period of operation that goes up to 5 months of age, which...
The Humanistic Psychology is a movement to therapeutic models then appears in the 60s of the twentieth century in response: the behaviorist for its rigidity and psychoanalysis for its emphasis on pathology rather pessimistic type. This “third force” brings together...
The culture in which we unconsciously give us a commitment to the world around us, our will is not as ours as we believe and we would like. The atmosphere limits our behavior and inhibits or...
History has shown that when people are not aware of what is in their drug of choice they are more likely to continue using it. For example, millions of people used to smoke cigarettes,...
Perhaps what is common in these areas receive articles on tips and thoughts on things so healthy, happiness, couples, children, etc. However to vary somewhat this routine thought it would be interesting to expand our...