Category: Health and Fitness

Why sitting all day hurts?

Why sitting all day hurts?

Sitting all day hurts! That sprawled and untidy pose, with which you stand hours and hours in front of the computer, or on television, is not good for you at all. An interesting and...

Thrombosis symptoms and prevention

Thrombosis symptoms and prevention

Thrombosis is a medical condition that consists of the appearance of blood clots in the veins or arteries, also known as thrombi, which prevents the blood from flowing normally. Thrombosis symptoms may be due...

Low pressure

Low pressure: What is it? How to fight it?

The low pressure is a problem that afflicts many people, especially in summer. A sense of weakness, mixed with dizziness, confusion, blurred vision and sometimes even loss of the senses that prevents any activity...

emotions affect our body

How do emotions affect our body?

Can you describe what emotions are? According to the Treccani Encyclopedia, it is possible to define emotion as an “inner process aroused by an event-stimulus”: this is what makes it different with respect to...