Prepare the mask of activated carbon at home
We all know the basic principle of the mask- The removal of acne, it is important to ensure full access to the contaminated pores mask. First you need to clean your face with warm water and soap, then cook Turkish bath with herbs. Steam cooking should be done very carefully, because the quality of this procedure in the future will depend on the final purification outcome.
Well, you can steam it on your skin for 10 minutes, so you can apply an activated charcoal mask.
Protecting hair from pollution will help special bandage, and if you use a film mask, then do not put it on the eyebrow, so removing it will be much more difficult.
Home recipes for activated carbon masks
1) Activated charcoal with jelly: In a mush bowl 1 coal pharmacy pill and 1 ch separated. L. gelatin. It was paid in 2 hours. L. milk or water.Stir the mixture and send it to the microwave for 20 seconds. After the mask has cooled down, directly apply the problem areas. After 15 minutes, remove the film.
2) Activated charcoal with cosmetic clay: In these same proportions in the previous recipe, connect clay and activated carbon. A spoonful of milk,spread the mask and add to it 1 hour. L. gelatin. Completely dissolve the mask in a cold water bath and cover with its skin. After 20 minutes, wash all the water.
3) Activated charcoal with yogurt: With 1 spoon. crushed activated carbon tablets, add 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Mix medium and dilute it with lemon juice in the amount of 10 this mask can reduce the adverse effects of toxins and get rid of inflammation.
4) Activated charcoal with aloe vera: As is known, a perennial succulent aloe plant is so appreciated that it eliminates many ailments,including skin problems. To makean effective mask for grinding plant leaves in a meat grinder, the resulting suspension was diluted with water, then added 2 drops of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon particulate activated carbon. This tool helps to remove the inflamed pimples and nourishes the skin with micro nutrient benefits.
5) Activated charcoal with clay: Half a spoon of jelly connect with the same number of black clay and charcoal 1 tablet. The dry mixture was melted milk, dissolved out and left for 20 minutes in a microwave to heat. In the form of heat apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes. For greater efficiency,perform this procedure twice.
Each of these recipes will help you easily cope with the ugly acne on your face and get rid of blackheads.Healing and bodywork recommends paying attention to the add-ons of charcoal masks. Gelatin must be fresh, and milk – at home. The clay is not allowed cosmetic presence of impurities or additives.
Using quality ingredients, you will soon see a new positive transformation on your face, and with it will and self-confidence and attractiveness.