Category: Skin Care

face without spots

7 tips to keep your face without spots

Face without spots– You want to show off a beautiful face without having to worry about the imperfections that usually appear due to different factors such as environmental pollution and bad habits. Would you...

Skin spots

Skin spots, how and why?

No one is excluded … Brune, lenticular or irregular. Small or extensive and very visible, skin spots appear at any age or condition: pregnancy, maturity, but also youth and even adolescence. We speak of...


What are the best creams to remove scars?

It is not uncommon to think that scars remain on the skin forever. In fact, this belief is not entirely true, indeed there are methods, products and treatments that can reduce them, or even...

Waxing DIY

Waxing DIY: The most effective methods

Premise for this article, we had to seek guidance to girlfriends and friends, as well as professional advice on the subject. Because men, in fact, we have no problem to devise methods to depilatory...

natural sunscreens

The best natural sunscreens

Despite the danger of constant exposure to the sun, as we know it has many benefits on the body: the sun’s rays, in fact, stimulate the production of vitamin D, regulate the production of...