Category: Health and Fitness

symptoms of disease

How to fight the symptoms of a disease

Welcome back! Today I invite you to observe the disease a little closer … by telling you a different point of view than the conventional medicine. How many times have you had the flu or...

Prosthetic surgery

Prosthetic surgery in orthopedics

When it comes to prostheses it refers to the artificial joint implant to replace a damaged or as a result of deterioration or inability to regenerate bone (due to osteonecrosis). The surgery prosthetic joint...


Bokwa, the new approach to fitness

Trends in world fitness are new and constantly evolving: new techniques and strategies to burn calories and stay in shape are developed, mixing the physical activity itself to dance and martial arts. In recent...

Vegetable Protein

Vegetable Protein

More and more often, we speak of the importance of plant proteins and the lack of animal protein in diets like vegan or vegetarian. What they really differentiate these two classes of proteins and why it is important to know...


3 High-Intensity Workouts To Burn Fat

Now that the holidays are over, it is time to return to normal physical activities that can help you lose those extra pounds! High-intensity workouts are a great way to powerfully stimulate the metabolism,...


Marine clinics today

René Quinton opened the first marine dispensaries in the early twentieth century. They seawater was distributed to the population that demanded. For over a century French scientist René Quinton discovered how to use seawater...