431 Search results

For the term "health".

Anxiety: The types of its treatment

These violations take a variety of forms, from panic attacks in the circle of strangers to constant feelings about their health, work or family. If you can not get rid of unpleasant anxiety, you...

Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga: Exercises and Benefits

Laughter Yoga starts from the premise that laughing is good for your body and mind as much as Yoga! Why not put these two activities together? Discover with us what is the Yoga of laughter, how...

Why Your Training Needs to Incorporate Swimming

If you’ve ever watched professional swimming, you’ll no doubt have noticed the pure athleticism of the competitors. Their physiques are often envied. They are lean, muscular, and toned yet remarkably strong and agile. All...


You have to accept it to combat anxiety

The anxiety presents itself in various forms. One of the most popular types is the one that strikes before a public presentation, an exam, or a job interview. There are many ways to fight...


The Diet To Prevent Migraine

Alcoholic and seasoned cheeses can worsen the intensity of the headache. We find out what foods are intensifying. Among the various causes that can trigger headaches are food. Dried fruits, alcoholic and long-seasoned cheeses...