Category: Health and Fitness
Each of us heard about cardio-operations. Many experienced athletes regularly use them to achieve their goals. We propose to find out what cardio is, how it should be done and what rules to adhere...
Laughter Yoga starts from the premise that laughing is good for your body and mind as much as Yoga! Why not put these two activities together? Discover with us what is the Yoga of laughter, how...
Each of you probably heard that a person eats up to about 8 insects a year during sleep. This fact has become a real legend about the dream, about which the entire planet has heard. Recently...
Alcoholic and seasoned cheeses can worsen the intensity of the headache. We find out what foods are intensifying. Among the various causes that can trigger headaches are food. Dried fruits, alcoholic and long-seasoned cheeses...
Rehabilitation after a stroke is an important learning process, when it is necessary to start the recovery of the damaged body functions caused by the disease. There are three periods of rehabilitation: inpatient, outpatient...
Do rheumatic pains persecute you daily? Does your physicist fail to cope with the newspaper? Does your mind want to react, but does constant pain not allow it? I know exactly what you are...
Autumn is a dream for nature, we see tangible changes in the world around us. And, whether we wish it or not, remain indifferent to them, we are not given. Deficiency of vitamins, which...
Sizzurp is a homemade drug that prepares with the cough syrup, soft drinks, and Jolly Rencher candy. Cough medicine has codeine and promethazine component that widely known as an addictive substance. Along with this,...
The low back pain is a pain in the spine, functional complex that acts as a pillar of the human organism; it is not a disease but a symptom of various diseases, having in...
Keeping fit is a commitment to reconcile with work and family but just excuses! Here are the exercises to do at home that will solve the problem for those who cannot go to the...