Anxiety Reduction Blog

Symptoms of anxiety

5 Physical symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety … That constant alertness causing unpleasant physical symptoms …  Although really the main thing is to know each anxiety symptoms that occur in every crisis, there is also another factor that affects directly...

Delusional Disorder

What is Delusional Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

The Delusional Disorder or Paranoid psychosis is a psychotic disorder characterized by the presence of one or more delusions or out of reality, without thereby another significant concomitant pathology occurs. To make this psychological diagnosis, delusions...


Explore your personality

The passion for “discovering” has fueled the curiosity of man as far away as the moon, and with the help of satellites even further, to the ends of the universe. However, what our personality? Go beyond...

Dry skin

Masks for dry skin

Dry skin is characterized by a rough surface (such as sandpaper) and may appear with relative ease mainly wrinkles under the eyes (also known in some countries as crow’s feet), forehead and neck. As...