Anxiety Reduction Blog

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 in College

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 in College

As a freshman, there are a lot of new lifestyle changes that you have to get used to, unless of course you are earning USC’s mph online or any other online degree. But for...

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for College Students

5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for College Students

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely important while you’re in college because you will need all the energy you can get to make it through each semester. Staying organized and on top of all...

College Exam Anxiety

How to Reduce College Exam Anxiety

College exams are always very stressful and difficult to prepare for. It’s hard to know exactly what will be on the test and how to answer questions in the way that your professor prefers....

5 Important Safety Tips for College Students

Most college campuses are very safe and there’s not really too much to worry about on a day-to-day basis. Although, you really never know when a dangerous situation might present itself, which is why...